Monday, May 31, 2010


Life is the shits right now. I am being frank. If you don't like it, stop reading now, its going to get worse.

So moving to Morden...I am thinking overall...bad idea. Maybe I was to idealistic when it came to my big dreams of getting to know all of Cory's family better. This is not happening. Every time we try to get a hold of someone, they don't answer.

Morden feels like a bubble. That bubble really being my house. I have a few "friends" in Manitou. But I am trying to be very careful in how much time I spend with them as I find them to be a bad influence on me rather than a postive one. Otherwise, all my "friends" aka the people I hang out with because Cory does are decent people (for the most part) but I really would love a girl friend that I could be really with.

However, got to love friends from Steinbach who promised to keep in touch, promised to visit and well thats as far as they have gotten

I do, however, love my job. I love the people I support, and work with. However, I hate the hours. At least there is no abuse or gossip at my job. And the word God is used on a nearly daily basis in a proper way.

Dentists. What a load of crap. My teeth hurt so bad but what can I do except wreck my stomach by taking pain meds because they are cheaper than a dentist.

Depression. Some days I would simply sit at home, not talk to the world, not see the world. Sadly I have to work.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Well We are settled in in our own house in Morden. The journey has been an interesting one I tell you. Our roof started leaking with all this rain, bathroom renovations are costin us more than expected, and the lists keeps going. We have had people over most nights or been at peoples places most nights, kind of nice, though I wonder how long these invitations will last?!

I am still jobless...if I dont here anything back from anywhere before Monday, I start applying in Winkler. I am getting so bored during the days. So ya.

We are pumped for the youth retreat this weekend. I have had a lot of fun planning it! I am very excited for our concert of prayer that we are doing friday night. THat has been a lot of planning but a lot of fun. I really hope God uses it big!

What else, life is decent right now. Would love to have more company, more emails, more messages.

Holding onto HIm,