Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well I dont feel like doing homework so I figured I would see if I could make a huge list of things I am thankful for this thanksgiving in no particular order
2) SBC
3) The people at SBC (Esp. Crystal, Landis, Adrian, Diana, JJ, Chrystie, randy)
3.5) My Family
4) My College and Careers Group, for the way they welcomed me into this incredible "Church"
5) My youth group!~ though i feel as if I have hardly been there, it is such a blessing
6) The fellow leaders at youth; Crystal, JJ, Lynden, Laurie, Mark and Jamie
7) My WBC friends (norm and Net and family, Princess Konrad, Ashley, Reyburn, Bowen)
8) My WBC Horse, Sunny!
9) Pizza Parties in Dorm
10) Watching Disney movies the night before exams!
11) Amazing guy friends who see through my masks
12) My Manitou Friends (Kat, Manda, Robyn)
13) Manitou Youth Group
14) people in general
(which i am going to go into now, and if I Forget you i mean nothing by it...
Wow where to start...Lets go with girls dorm...
Landis:my amazing CGL and awesome girlfriend who i know is always there for me!
Diana: My worst nightmare yet best friend! Our love hate relationship is incredible
Crystal: My Ex roomie! And the person who listen to everything i am dealing with and always tells me the stuff I dont really want to hear
Alli: THe one I love sticking my tongue> Alli is a great listener and such a blessing. Her smile is contagous!
Guys Dorm:
JJ: Wow I can't believe I have only known him a month. Wow we have had some crazy times
Randy: Out of most of my guy friends he can read me very well. He has a huge heart for those who are hurting
Adrian: Wow A guy on fire for GOD! Such an encouragment and blessing to me!
Ben: though we havent talked much this year, i know i can still trust him and turn to him if need be
Tracee: Someone who I can anything to and a huge prayer warrior!
Chrystie: THe staff member i know the most and will always have a smile for me. She has been a huge encouragement to me
Dean: I have had a blast getting to know him through school and C and C. Yes, you will one day over take the school
Lynden and Laurie: there genorsity is simply amazing! I love working along side of them for youth
Konrad: This guy has been one of the biggest supports and blessing over the last 5 months. I love you tons Bro!
Norm and Net: I guess Norm is kinda in a leadership position at the camp and him and Net were the only full time/camp staff that seemed to really take interest in me and kept checking on my well being this summer
James and Darlene: Darlene is another who could see through my mask and they have been a huge blessing to me since leaving school last April. I miss seeing them around the school
Cherie: Wow My amazing (And pregnant) Sister! I miss her bunches and can't wait to see her in Mar!
Kat and Emmy: My other sister and my wonderfully amazing cute niece!
Robyn: I love the way we dont talk for months yet when we do we always pick up from where we left off. Its great
Manda: my fellow music buddy! Can't wait to lead worship with you saturday night
Friends I get not expectingly...
Jess W. Wow I can't believe i have only known you just under a year, yet I love you bunches. I dont know if I ever told you the story behind why i hung out with you and Brit that night but ya its funny. love you bunches girl
Evelyn: Who would have guessed that i would have got to know Konrad's sister. I loved going riding with you, harassing K with you and going to prov to see you!
Well I may add more to this later but ya thats enough writing for now. time for homework now I suppose... Or plan youth for this weekend! hmm which one sounds the most appealing...grrr neither one really..they both hurt my brain.





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