My World, My Thoughs, My Words, My Pictures, My Life
About Me
- Cassandra
- First off, I am a child of God. One who struggles, yet overcomes. One who feels weary, yet fulfilled. One who deals a lot with finding out who I truely am, yet I am loved!
Monday, December 28, 2009
2 days
1) Saftey for flying and a speedy time through the airport and security!
2) The rest of my funds would come in (About 1000.00 short still)
3) Comfort for cory and myself with being seperated for 3 weeks!
thanks all! love you!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My thoughts are not actions,
They are musings and feelings not verbal.
Thing I can explain to myself,
I can wrap my mind around it,
Yet my lips are sealed.
Yet it needs out.
Yet it needs to be set free.
Yet I cannot do it.
Something quick that i wrote while trying to get my head on straight and my life in order. sigh.
Struggles and Perfection
I sit here and look out my living room window the most white beatiful ground covering ever. Than I get shivers. I get shivers not because it is cold in my house but because it is so beautiful. The good shivers. The shivers that remind me that God created it. So white and pure, just like Him. Love getting little reminders, something as simple as snow, that remind me that God is perfect and that everything he does is perfect.
This is my struggle. My struggle is how is God perfect and everything he has created is perfect yet there is so much pain.
I live in a house where things don't always work right, where things break. My husband and I arguee and say things we should not. A house where our dog is not perfect by any shot of the imagination. Why does God allow this suffering?
I work at place where I often see things I dont want to. Staff telling clients "your the first person I see in the morning, and the last person I want to see". I work in a place where people get forgotten about for over an hour while using the washroom. I work in a place that there is a lot of hurt. Why does God allow this suffering?
I live in a city where drinking and driving is such a huge issue. In a city where the high school has to have camara's for personal safety. A city where drugs is an everyday occurances. Why does God allow this suffering?
I live in a world filled with war. A world filled with violence, hatred and predjudice. A world where everyone is so incredible self absorbed that they dont see their neighbor struggling to survive. Why does God allow this suffering?
It is in the dark times we grow. It is when we leave the valley that we see the incredible light. It is the struggles that we grow through to become stronger. But we must become so weak that this quote becomes true.
As long as your own abilities are sufficient to rise to the challenge, you will never understand that He doesn't just give strength. He is your Strength. In the breaking process, God has no intention of helping you get stronger. He wants you to become so weak that He can express Himself as the strength you need in every situation." - Steve McVay
All these challenges and struggles I face around me everyday need to be my reminder to become "so weat that He can express Himself as the Strength I need in every situation".
God is Perfect, He is perfect through our pain and our struggles. PRAISE GOD
Saturday, December 12, 2009
529 am
1) Thankful for my blue cozy chair.
2) I am thankful for our wood burning fireplace! So nice to sit in front of it and warm up...stupid fever!
3)Drugs...cold drugs, cough drugs...good stuff!
4)Farkle...what else can i do to kill time at this time in the morning...o ya that brings me to number 5...
5) Friends who are crazy and still online at this time...cough cough mike!
6) For glasses...cant really see what i am doing without right now....
7)For an incredible husband who lets me live in the same house while sick....poor guy!
8) Bayleigh...though she eats things she shouldnt, and gets to hyper sometimes...I love her to peices...
9) for the i love thee!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Bayleigh is a mutt. The family we got her from knew that her mom was a beagle but not sure about the dad. She is very small (no more than 20lbs) When we went to pick her up, she barked and growled at us for over half an hour. But once she got in the car she became a big suck! Got her home and she was a bit standoffish. I have been home all day because of my stupid foot so we got lots of time together. Tonite, Cory and I spent about 20 minutes down on the floor with her and by the end of it, she was wrestling with us and all that jazz. What a cute dog. She is fully housebroke and just makes me Smile!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
My Top 10 List
1)God. I really do not understand how people get through life without God. Yes I have had and still have my doubts at times, but I know God is so real and so good.
2)Canadian Health Care. I hurt my foot last night (not thankful for that). However in an hour i was seen by 2 nurses, a doctor, did xrays, and saw another doctor. And besides having to pay for crutches I dont really (well besides in taxes later) pay for that.
3)Cory. Wow I dont even know what to say about this. I have now been with the man of my dreams for over 11 months. It has been very challenging at points but so so so rewarding. I love you Cory!
4)New Born Babies. Our Friends Mike and Julie had a baby on Monday and we got the joy of going to see her Monday night. What a feeling. The feeling of holding a brand new baby, the softness of her skin, the size of her little nails...aww.
5)Dogs. So Cory and I have found a dog. We have found a dog that we are getting rid of. Cory and I have found a new dog. That is our story. First dog was just way to crazy to be an inside dog. Good dog but to hyper. But I am so thankful for the companionship and the safety a dog provides. I look back to growing up and when everyone else had failed dogs were always there for me.
6)A job I love. I LOOOOVVVEEE my job! My job is awesome and it really sucks when I can't be there. It is so rewarding when I see my clients make any sort of progress. There are so many days that I am having a horrible day or something bad has happened and one of my clients (who actually does not speak) will speak love and life into me, simply by her laughter. Work has also given me some amazing friends...
7)Friends. Wow we have been super blessed the last few months. For the first few months we really struggle with having friends up here in Steinbach. It felt lonely and often really depressing. However through my work, We got to know another couple who has been awesome. We love our city trips, Cranium adventures, and just sititng around having a couple drinks. It is great times. Also Cory has a friend from his previous job, Mike, that we have been really getting to know him and his wife. SOO MUCH FUN! They have helped us so much with moving and renovating. And now we get the honor of watching them become first time parents! We Love all of you guys!
8)A super awesome house. We have been blessed with an amazing house. The people I did respite for, decided to rent us there house tilll April. WOW. I love coming home and lighting a fire in the fire place, or knowing that we have 4 extra bedrooms....hint hinnt people come and visit us!!!
9)Music. Music has always been a huge part of my life. It has been the air I breathe and what keeps me going. The words people write, the words I write, are so inspiring and can just describe emotions in a way that nothing else could ever do.
10)Pain Killers. What more can I say..they are a good good thing!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
The client I was working with does not speak, is fully wheel chair bound, has to have their food blended and spoon fed, and has to have full assistance with personal care.
I was doing her physio (her stretches) with her today. Her physio consists of rolling around on a soft mat just to get stretched out and have a break from her chair. Today's game was putting a ball on her stomache and tapping it while calling her her nothing could have made her world better. She laughed and laughed and laughed. I had to do everything in my power not to cry.
I see this simplicity in her life. And I think of my own. How I have all these issues, that when I stop and think of her situation, don't seem so big. Why are we this way??
My thought of the day. Thanks for making me think girlie!
Monday, October 19, 2009
here I sit
LIfe has been going interesting...I am VERY glad to be done at SBC. IT was great while it lasted but ya. Work is going well. I love working with each of my clients, they are all so unique and special...I wish all the staff could see that!
College and Careers tonite! Woot WOOT...nothing tomorrow night, care groups wednesday night, youth Thursday night, work all weekend on the house and back to the routine...wonder if life will ever calm down...
Friday, September 25, 2009
1 Corinthians 10:13
Message: No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.
NLT: The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
I cant say much online, however I described our situation to one person as this. Just when you think things cant get much worse, they did. and just when we thought they couldnt get worse than this, they did. And it really continues on.
This verse has been quoted to me a few times and yes there is comfort in it but it is upsetting too because I am not sure if I can handle any more! Please just pray for me and Cory, if you want more details or such email me...
Holding on to Him,
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Second "R"
I love what the community of SBC does. I love the connection between students, the connection between students and prof, the connection between everyone. It is SWEET! However, because SBC is such a huge believer in the role of community and SBC life...where does that leave commuters and part time students? defines the term reject in numerous ways:
Reject: verb (used with object)
1. to refuse to have, take, recognize, etc.
2. to refuse to accept (someone or something); rebuff:
3. to discard as useless or unsatisfactory:
4. to cast out or eject; vomit.
5. to cast out or off.
Yes some of these definitions are harsh and unrealistic to my situation at the present time. However, I have know looked at this from both sides of the spectrum. I look at definition #1 "to refuse to have" and that one made me think. So this evening I did what I believe to be my part and I went to the dorm. I was told, " i just checked facebook, but I am busy now" I was also told "What are YOU doing here" I wanted to make sure that I was not Refusing to have community from SBC, However these 2 comments made me lean towards the second definition of "to refuse to accept"
I am not really going to say anything about definitions 3 and 4, but number 5 "To cast out"...
Thats where I sit
Friday, September 11, 2009
"The dorm Community is great at SBC...however that Community ends the second you leave."
That point rang so true for me for a couple reasons...
1) My wedding: Out of 60 invited SBC related, I believe no more than 10 showed up...yes some of them told me that they were unable to make it, but so many said yes they were coming and did not show up...
2)Living off Campus: You know I live a 5 minute drive from dorm. yet that 5 minutes might as well be 5 hours.
I can already tell that my community this year is not going to be sbc. It is going to be elsewhere. THis thought hurts to realize but ya.
My thinking and musings for today...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Curve Ball
So SBC changed the way they do financing. Everyother year, I have only started to apply for my loan once I knew how much I needed...makes sense to me. Well this year they are saying that everything must be paid for by September 22 or else I dont go..
Well the short of it loan is not going to be through by than!!
So what does this mean you may ask? It means that I am going to go into SBC tomorrow morning to see what they are willing to do.
If I cant be at SBC this semester, I am going to still do my practicum this semester and maybe one more course, so I still have part time status so I don't have to pay on my loans (ya I know, working the system!) I would than start taking my paraeducator course through red River distance Ed, while working full time at MPRC.
I am thinking this all means that we would potentially be in steinbach an extra year...
I am so thankful for "My Rock", Cory, who is trying his best at keeping me sane...He is incredible at it!
Pray for me, I am confused and unsure.
Holding on to Him,
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I am beginning to get really excited about our Guyana trip in December/January. I have started to put money away for it and have really started to think about it!! I am pumped. It will be hard leaving Cory for that long but I want to go and make a difference as well. With Guyana..I have also began crunching courses to try and figure out what I have to take next year... It is challenging.
Last night, Cory went to his first bombers game! It was a disappointing win with the bombers giving up 14 points in about 5 minutes. But it was still fun, I think he enjoyed it...I did! Tonite we are off to Taylor Swift. I have been anxiously awaiting this since before Christmas!! I am so pumped!!
Wedding update..we are sitting at 104 positive confirmations so that is really exciting...still missing lots though...common people! I am getting more and more excited. Went and order and started to pay for our wedding rings a few nights ago! We are in need of someone to do sound however...any offers?!
Anyways I should get going! Hope all your summers are going good! Feel free to come and visit, calll or email...i am lonely!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The wedding fun really starts
On thursday night, Cory and i took off to the city to pick up my Aunt from BC and my Uncle from England. They spent the weekend at our place and it was great to really meet them and enjoy getting to know them and their accents lol.
On friday, Cory and I took it pretty easy...The highlight to friday was either going for lunch at his parents or going down to mary Jane at midnight. It was so nice to get back out there with not being there in so long. I love that Place.
On Saturday, I spent a lot of the day with Cory's Mom shopping in winkler. I was kind of nervous at first (is this going to be awkward and those sort of thoughts were racing through my mind) but it was awesome! We had a blast and am excited to do it again sometime!
Saturday evening I had my first bridal shower. It was great, we made toliet paper dresses, had some great food and just hung out. Got some great presents such as an electic skillet, frying pans, cookie sheets and so forth...
Here are a few pictures...
Ok...this was hilarious...both moms got us the same cookbook!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
My job is going better. I have really connected with 2 staff, Cindy and Ang. I love working with both of them because of the people they are. With Ang, she is a Christian and not afraid to talk about it (unlike so many other people at work) and she has been a huge encouragement to me in my faith even without being intentional about it. Cindy is just a blast to be around, let alone, when you put me Cindy and Ang together...Mahem is sure to occur...but I love it. I am going to be incredibly sad to leave that place, I can't believe I am a quarter of the way done at this point already.
Wedding plans are in needs of a kick in the butt...I just don't have a lot of motivation for that and don't know where to start again either...After next weekend things will become more real again I bet (I have my first of i think 4 showers). I am excited though. Just yet another big change, a big move, and to know that we have to move again in just under a year...not appealing at all.
Where's summer weather?
But anyways, I am going to try to go back to bed here, it is near one and there is a possibility of taking my respite care girl to the carnival with her mom tomorrow so I am pumped about that. I am really sad that my time with her is nearly up. I am going to miss them like nuts when they move and I have a feeling I will be seeing Bek's over the summer quite often because I just could not do without my Rebekah hug lol.
Holding on to Him,
Friday, May 22, 2009
So this past Tuesday I started at a place called the Martha P Rempel Centre. I work with severelly mentally and physically challenged individuals. Most of who can't communicate fully. This has put me way out of my comfort zone, because I have never worked with such people. Everyday it keeps getting better though. Up till yesterday I had been shadowing people and getting to know both staff and clientel. ANd finally yesterday I was put with 2 clients by myself for the day. It was a lot of fun and way easier that way. I also got to spend some time with a different client who I pretty much really like and hope to be trained with her. I would love to work with this person. Her attitude to life and smile looks like it would be a lot of fun!!!
After my other work tonite, we are headed home for the weekend. Get some visiting done and just hanging out down south. Than on Sunday we are up to Portage to meet with Pastor Nikkel to do our first session with him for marriage. I am really excited to see him and start working on planning the details of the ceremony and such.
BUt anyways it is 8:06am (yes AM...I know for me...) And it is nearly time to leave for yet another (hopefully) fun day at MPRC! It is always a surprise what I will be doing there because they never know till the morning. Pray for the staff at MPRC...I have so far only found one other christian and Ithink that might be it out of about 20...
Holding on to him,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Scenic Saturday
Thursday, May 14, 2009
SBC Year End
First semester highlight: Becoming the one and only lighting tech at SBC. I first learnt how to run lighting for IMPACT. Impact I was involved in nearly everything and had such a blast. the high light though was running light. Just before Christmas holidays JJ and I were out on the road with a musical running lights. IN March, I got to run lights for SPLAT!! I love our tech team (typically me ben and jj). Than for Grad Banquet I also got to run lights. SO much fun.
So I head back in school and for a week in January head up north. spend 2 nights i thompson and 5 in the community of Grand Rapids. If I had my way, I would Have not went. the night before, Ithought of every possible way I could to get out of it but no way seemed to work out. SO I went. ok I admit BEST TIME OF SBC YEAR 2!!!! I lovethe community and pray that I would be able to go back there sometime soon.
So the end of the year has came, well it came a few weeks ago. This year was a lot easier to end. I didnt even cry. Saying good bye to dorm people was easier, probably something to do with I was never there except for allthe second years found it way easier. Maybe I was not sad because I am overjoyed NEVER TO HAVE TO LIVE IN DORM AGAIN!!! Its a great place for your first year, don't get me wrong, but for me, two years in dorm was way too much. So HEre are some pics from the Grad banquet...and yes I am in a dress, and Cory is dressed up too...Look now, you might not see it again till the wedding...
This couple kind of have became parents to everyone in dorm. The way the open up their lives, their house and their fridge to all of us is awesome. I love spending Time with them.
James and Darlene have been a huge blessing to me. I didnt really know them during last school year much. LIke I knew who they were and which kids belonged to them but it was not until I started to coach their 2 sons in badminton that I really got to know them. After school was done I decided to stay in Stienbach a few extra days so I could see my badminton kids do their thing in the tournament and I stayed with James and Darlene and got ot know them. SInce then I have been to their house quite a few times for a few nights here and there and absolutly love every time I do that. They have such genuine Christ love for me and welcome me so much. Love you guys~!
Me and Ashley. We see very eye to eye on some topics that SBC doesnt see eye to eye about us on. Always was great to stay up late and vent and just talk with Ashley. So glad she is going to be out for my wedding! Love her to pieces
Yes we are dressed up and no I do not share...that hottie is all MINE!
My care group for the year. This was an interesting Challenge I faced this year actually...I really hated the fact that caregroups were manditory. I felt this way because I had college and careers the same night and would have to rush back to be back at dorm for 10 just so I could go to care groups. THe school felt that care groups should be manditory even if I was involved in another (more rewarding) ministry. But C'est La vie!
Anyways there is my post of the week lol....
Holding on to him
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Hello Again
To answer the question that everyone asks me...the wedding plans are going well. We have our first meeting with our Pastor in a few weeks and than I think we are starting marriage counselling in May. I am really looking forwards to both of these, as I think that they will both strengthen our relationship.
I think that right now we are at the detail planning stage. I have my dress already (I love it!) and than I have 2 out of 3 of the bridesmaid dresses on the go. We have the site booked, the hall booked, invitations out (for the most part), Colors picked... Right now we are in search of a sound system, deciding on who/how we are doing special music and what songs to do and so forth. It's a lot of planning all of this!
This past weekend was a huge adventure for me. I had the privilege (and yes I say privilege and not burden! ) of taking care of my respite girl for more than just 2 hours a day...From Friday morning 8:15- till Mondoay night at 11! We had a blast (for the most part). On Saturday, Cory and I took her to the Zoo and she (and we) had a blast! Some of my favorite Pictures...
Rebekah loved the Zebra's! It was cool ot get a picture of her standing with them like this! She smiled so much during our Zoo trip (and slept on the way home lol)
Me and Rebekah with a polar bear
My Incredible Handsome man who means the world to me!
Cory and I at lunch...we decided that we are going to go to the zoo way way more often. It was great
Rebekah in front of some animals! She loved all the different animals and for the most part loved when they came close!!
Anyways, I need to head to work and than have college and Careers tonite (Woot Woot). My life is good and so is God!
Holding on to Him,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Today in Class I found out of another wedding I am invited to this summer...That makes four weddings (one being ours and one cory is a groomsman in) in the matter of 10 days! WOW CRAZY. It is exciting to have all my friends getting married. It also gives me an excuse to go shopping for clothes (I mean wedding presents lol).
I also found out yesterday, that I am headed to Guyana (Next to Brazil) in 260 days! This is overwhelming and exciting! I am pumped to be heading that far away to experience cross cultural missions. I had my interview today and it was a lot of fun.
This afternoon, after I finished up my last assignment, I was able to get outside and just relax. It is so warm outside...after sitting there for a bit I decided I needed to do something more constructive...ROLLAR BLADING!! Wow trying to get off the mud whole...I mean school grounds and than trying to get across high way 12 was simply insane!
Well it has been a good day and off to COllege and Careers (woot woot) shortly!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Top 10 things i am pumped for in life right now...
1) Pumped to Hang out in a pool/hottub tonite
2) Pumped to go to work tonite (Yes I do love my job that much!)
3) Pumped that the mechanic I took my car to is useless and is going to be easy to safety...
4) Pumped that I have a cute little green geo metro named Tink that is all mine!
5) Pumped to go to the airport in the morning (I love the aeroport!)
6) Pumped to go on a plane!!
7) Pumped to see Cherie and Jay...AND my NEW Nephew Ethan!!!!!!!
8) Pumped to spend my 20th birthday with my best friend!
9) Pumped to go wedding dress shopping
10) Pumped to be getting married in 150 days!!!!
Love ya all MWAH
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Long Awaited Post
Well I know that it has been a really long time since my last post and have no idea if people still read this thing but some random thoughts.
1) I am getting married in 155 to the man of my dreams!
2) Spring is here...I love the puddles, the mud, the muck..Good times
3) In a week from right now I will be sitting in Grand Prairie with my most amazing friend Cherie
4) I am approx. 30 pages of reading and questions and one 2 page assignment away from being done all my "little work" for this term
5) I had mcnuggets, fries and Ice cream at 10:30 tonite (sinful, I know)
6) I miss my dog, cera, so much... even when I go home, she is just not the same dog she use to be...comes with age I suppose...I want an energetic little puppy (that is trained) again!
7) I love my jobs! I love working with Rebekah everyday, she always makes me smile, and I love her hugs. THe library is great...common getting paid to do homework and plan my wedding...JACKPOT
8) I miss the days where money was not an issue
9) I am (hopefully) buying a 1995 Geo Metro on Friday morning 5 speed standard, fully loaded, subs and amps with 121000 for 1200.00
10) I am taking my first ever weekend course starting tomorrow evening and I am pumped. Should be a course full of playing games and laughing..its a youth minstry course, what can I say except for we are a group of slackers lol.
11) I promise to post more regularily if people respond to this so I know I have stalkers!
Holding on to Him,
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