Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"Some times the weak becomes the strong"...

Its one of those days. The days that the air has the power to piss me off. I feel alone, bored, and depressed. Work is the most challenging thing ever right now. There are some purposed changes coming up (hopefully) that will make the title of this post come true. However, until than I feel so weak. I feel so drained, so tired, so empty.

This song is on repeat on my ipod right speaks to me...

"Raining Again"-The Illusion of Progress Staind

A Piece Of Glass
In The Sand Under Your Feet
It Cuts You Deep
And Makes You Hate The Beauty
That You See
And You Wonder Where You Are
How You Ever Got So Far
Now You Question What Went Wrong
It's Your Heart

It's Raining Again
There's A Dark Cloud
Over Your Head
It Follows You 'Round
It's Bringing You Down
It's Raining
It's Raining Again

A Wilted Rose
Your Decay Is All You See
You Buy The Flaws
And Miss The Beauty
That Is Yours For Free
Realize You Are So Far
From The Things That Matter Now
And You Only Wonder How
It's Your Heart

It's Raining Again
There's A Dark Cloud
Over Your Head
It Follows You 'Round
It's Bringing You Down
It's Raining
It's Raining Again

Come On
Come On Get It Right
Come On
Come On Make It Right
Come On
Come On It's Alright

It's Raining Again
There's A Dark Cloud
Over Your Head
It Follows You 'Round
It's Bringing You Down
It's Raining
It's Raining Again

It's Raining
Raining Again
There's A Dark Cloud
Over Your Head

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The on fire trees with their red, orange and yellow leaves
the smell of a crisp autumn day
the Russel of fall in the air
Its here.

The last week or so, throughout the depression, anger and pain, I have been able to see God. His beauty is captivated in the changing of the seasons so often and for some reason this fall I see it to its powers. I have had the opportunity to be driving in our area a bit lately and have had the huge blessing to watch the seasons change. From the eye of a photographer, no photograph, no million dollar camera, no photographer with years of experience could capture the beauty of fall. I am left absolutely awe struck with the beauty that God has blessed us with. If this is the beauty we see on earth...What is heaven going to be like?

Thought to ponder...

Friday, September 24, 2010


I have no idea who reads this, I have no idea if ANYONE reads this...but if you do, please pray. My depression is back with vengence. Getting out of bed in the morning is a huge struggle and than once I am out of bed, the only thing I want to do is go back to bed.

I am sorry to everyone this has effected. If I have recently cancelled a planned coffee date or hang out time...chance are I told you that I wasnt feeling well. When the truth is, I was feeling depressed and not wanting to have to put on an act so I decided it is easier to not go. I apologize.

I feel so alone, yet I see why. Its hard to explain. Why don't I just keep coffee dates, go and hang out with friends and all that jazz. But I just can't.

I have to be strong for so many other people. I have to be viewed as someone who has life all together and viewed as strong for my job. I am young or my job, so I have to prove my maturity...I love my job, don't get me wrong. It is my dream job. But, most other 21 year olds are still out partying or working jobs that require little to no education and here I am in a management position. It scares me somedays. There are days where I wish I could return to MPRC and just go work my shift and be done. NOt have to always be on call, not have to do the paper work and all that jazz but than there is the other 95% of days where not a chance do I want to go back to that kind of a job.

I have been dealing with very high anxiety levels lately. To the point I absolutly dispise being home alone after dark. I think the worst. I can't handle even watching CSI shows or stuff like that without it affecting me for a day or two...

This is life right now, if you read this, please pray for me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


A few thoughts from my brain...

This is the first year in 16 years that I havent been going back to school.What a weird feeling. I miss it in a way. I miss the friendships. I often feel so lonely here in morden, my old friends have seemed to move on in life and that is understandable but it still sucks.

Cory and I are leading youth in Manitou this year. It gets me thinking about my experiences in youth and I severly miss those days. My relationship with Jason and Traci among other youth leaders. The support I felt from them got me through so much and I pray I can pass that support on to the youth I support.

My depression is up and down lately...It is tough not to have a lot of people to talk to about it. I miss the late night dorm talks, the late night walks and such.

Ho Hum!

HOwever, I love my husband so much. He has been my rock so much lately. Starting a new job has been so challenging and he has been simply amazing. I wish I could show him how much I truely appriciate him!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Battle

"I see two armies. The one to my left is black...all black. The one to my right is all white. I am in between, walking on a fence that continues to grow more narrower with each passing moment. "

This is the begining of a spiritual battle I faced on Friday night. I want to back track though to give you my full story...

Punch NUMERO 1!
THis past week I spent a great few days in Steinbach. I stayed with an awesome friend and her husband who, most, would belive that they are christians. I am not sure where they stand fully but I believe that the Christian Faith is not strong point in their lives. But they could have the world fooled. This got me thinking. I consider myself a nice person and because of that, I called myself a Christian...I had people convinced I was a strong/devoted Christian, which truthfully, it has been 3 years since I have been.

Punch NUMERO 2
Later in the week, I went for coffee with a friend, a friend I can be open and honest to, and one who holds me accountable. She asked me how my spiritual life is going and I responded my typical answer "not wherre it should be but I know I have to change before I go back to leading youth in Sept." (RED FLAG-Change to be a youth leader...I think not, that change needs to happen long before hand!)

I came home, knowing I had a funeral to attend the next day. The funeral was my friends 29 year old brother. The theme of the message was to live the life you have, because life is short.

"I see two armies. The one to my left is black...all black. The one to my right is all white. I am in between, walking on a fence that continues to grow more narrower with each passing moment. "

The battle rages on...

All these "punches" had hit hard. I knew I had a decision to face, but I never anticipated the spiritual battle I was entering. I could see the picture, the picture I described above, the one added thing....Cory was the only recognizable face behind the white army side.

I battled in my head, crying and pacing out loud, something had me attached to both sides and both sides were at a stand still. I paced my bedroom for minutes, "which side do I choose?" I knew that this was a final discision, there was no aborting or turning back. I froze in fear.

"I LOVE YOU." These three words Cory said physically, yet it was not his voice...
"COME TO ME." Yet again, he said these words, yet it was GOD SPEAKING!

All at once a battle began. Both sides pulled with all their might. I could see this battle in my head, I could feel each pull phsically. And than a pair of scissors appeared in my hand. I knew I had to cut the cord and fall to the side of my decision. "I LOVE YOU, COME TO ME" I hear again. I struggled and cut that black cord, I was uplifted through the white army, to my husbands arms. I was free of the bond. I could literally see the White army overtaking the black. The battle Had been won.

God spoke to me. He told me he was Glad I was back to passionatly being his child again. He told me it would not be an easy change but He would guide me. He would encourage me, He would reward me for my faithfulness. And I see that already!

I can truely and passionatly say I LOVE CHRIST! I want to shout it from the roof tops. I can also say I truely love my husband like never before. Christ is now the true centre of our relationship. We, as a couple, are doing devotions together, praying together, and most importantly loving each other.

God is overtaking my life again. I love it. He is helping my attitudes and negativity disappear, and changing my views on different things.

I know this new journey is going to be rough but God has promised me great reward...and that is Heaven! GOd bless you all!

Holding on to him (GLADLY!)


Thursday, July 8, 2010

A lil'bit Better

Life seems a bit better now. I know my last handful of posts have been rather negative and such but bare with me. Some more inspirational post will come.

This last week or so, I have been working hard at getting my home based photography business off the ground (on facebook-CW PHOTOGRAPHY). I did one photo shoot,have another one tomorrow and hopefully a few next week.

I am starting to adjust better to morden life. Still feel very alone a lot of the time but I have to keep trucking along. Did a girls only fondue a few weeks ago. There was just a few of us ladies, all but one had been married longer than I,so it was a great time. Having another one next friday but opened it up to any girl!

WEll i suppose its time for work, work is a love/hate relationship for me, love the people hate the hours. Lots of evenings.


Sunday, June 13, 2010


"I don't see what the big deal is"

"I promised to call, but I forgot"

"Your feelings don't matter"

"be open and honest with me...(5 lines later) or i actually have people over ttyl"

I am really beginning to hate this world! I am relearning that maybe friends are just a waste of my effort.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Life is the shits right now. I am being frank. If you don't like it, stop reading now, its going to get worse.

So moving to Morden...I am thinking overall...bad idea. Maybe I was to idealistic when it came to my big dreams of getting to know all of Cory's family better. This is not happening. Every time we try to get a hold of someone, they don't answer.

Morden feels like a bubble. That bubble really being my house. I have a few "friends" in Manitou. But I am trying to be very careful in how much time I spend with them as I find them to be a bad influence on me rather than a postive one. Otherwise, all my "friends" aka the people I hang out with because Cory does are decent people (for the most part) but I really would love a girl friend that I could be really with.

However, got to love friends from Steinbach who promised to keep in touch, promised to visit and well thats as far as they have gotten

I do, however, love my job. I love the people I support, and work with. However, I hate the hours. At least there is no abuse or gossip at my job. And the word God is used on a nearly daily basis in a proper way.

Dentists. What a load of crap. My teeth hurt so bad but what can I do except wreck my stomach by taking pain meds because they are cheaper than a dentist.

Depression. Some days I would simply sit at home, not talk to the world, not see the world. Sadly I have to work.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Well We are settled in in our own house in Morden. The journey has been an interesting one I tell you. Our roof started leaking with all this rain, bathroom renovations are costin us more than expected, and the lists keeps going. We have had people over most nights or been at peoples places most nights, kind of nice, though I wonder how long these invitations will last?!

I am still jobless...if I dont here anything back from anywhere before Monday, I start applying in Winkler. I am getting so bored during the days. So ya.

We are pumped for the youth retreat this weekend. I have had a lot of fun planning it! I am very excited for our concert of prayer that we are doing friday night. THat has been a lot of planning but a lot of fun. I really hope God uses it big!

What else, life is decent right now. Would love to have more company, more emails, more messages.

Holding onto HIm,

Monday, April 26, 2010


Here I stand, looking up at a huge grey mountain
The power of despair and the dread of change overwhelms me.
Life has set me spinning, with things out of my control.
Here I stand, looking up at a huge grey mountain.

Put on your wings and fly
Fly above and beyond the mountain
Beyond the dark and sleepless nights
Take comfort oh my child.

April 25/10

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Its a Great Day to be Alive

"And it's a great day to be alive
I know the sun's still shinin' when I close my eyes
There's some hard times in the neigborhood
But why can't every day be just this good?"

So this was the song that Tim and Kayla walked out of the church to at their wedding. I had the huge privilledge of being one of her bridesmaids. It was a special day. Congratulations guys! We love you both!

However, this song has been stuck in my head ever since than. So I challenged myself to this, and I challenge my readers/listeners/stalkers on here to do the same thing. Find at least one (or 3 or 562) reasons each day that make it truely a great day to be alive.

On Saturday my reason was because I have the best husband ever. To see a new marriage starting reminded me of my special day and made me actually cry when I thought back and really realized that was the best decision I have ever made!

Today's reason was friends. I stopped at one of my best friends places from Manitou today and realized how much I missed her and her family!Can't wait to move back there.

I have a feeling that tomorrow's reason is going to do with something connected to, Oh I dont birhtday?!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Music Monday

I had trouble trying to find a song to fit Music Monday and for some reason Amazing Grace came to mind. I have nothing significant or deep to say but I believe that the words speak for themselves! I pray that this song will bless you today!

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

I shall but walk always with You,
Your heart forever mine,
I'll live in Christ, so pure and true,
Until the end of time.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The world shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun refuse to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Shall be forever mine.

When we've been here ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun!
We've no less days to sing god's praise,
Then when we'd first begun.

Go Bless-God Bless

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ever have those moments...?

(In no particular order)
1) Your body tells you you are beyond exhausted yet your mind says keep going?
2) Your mind tells you to pray for some random person. For me this happened at work today, I was called to pray for each one of the people I work with and for specific things.
3) You want to stand up and yell and cheer because Canada CREAMED Russia in hockey tonite!
4) Where you so badly want to be cuddled yet you want to resist with all your might?
5) You feel your life is nearly pointless...get up, go to work, come home, go to bed?!

Ya just some random thoughts and musings...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just a few Guyana photo's

So these pictures are just a snipit of over 2000 photo's I have from my three weeks in the incredible country of Guyana. We spent time visiting hospitals, going to prayer meetings, giving our testimonies, running bible clubs in schools and learning how the Guyanese love Jesus...sorry fellow Canadian but they put us to shame! They know how to worship and how to contend in prayer and how to let the Holy Spirit move them...LITERALLY! Such an amazing journey and adventure...just thought I would share a few photo...You want to see more?! Come over for coffee one night!

This is our entire Guyana team plus some of the Child Evangelism Fellowship workers!

This girl was so cute! She attached herself to me and was a sweetheart the entire time we were at the park/zoo. We took 56 people in a 26 passanger van an hour and a half away on a sunday school picnic. Chaos to say the least but at least we did not lose anyone (miracle i Think!)

Our Linden team plus Sister Richards, Sister Maggie and Sister Sandra. We all bought sweet hats at what would be compared to as our Liquidation world! Sweet deals!

This little girl was one that was at a daycare. She loved my attention and was such a sweetie. She loved to give hi-5's and try to catch my hands!

These 2 kids, i forget there names and cant find my journal but they were Trevor and Rosalyn's children! Awesome family! Spent an evening with them and enjoyed (well some enjoyed) black cake and ginger beer.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Musical Monday's

Ok So i know i have not posted in a really long time but here we go. I love music so here is to Musical Monday's!


I'm just a step away, I'm just a breath away
Losin' my faith today (I'm falling off the edge today)
I am just a man, not superhuman (I'm not superhuman)
Someone save me from the haze

Just another war, just another family torn
Just a step from the edge, just another day in the world we live

I need a Hero to save me now
I need a Hero to save me now
I need a Hero to save my life
A Hero will save me just in time

I've got to fight today to live another day
Speaking my mind today (My voice will be heard today)
I've got to make a stand, but I am just a man (I'm not superhuman)
My voice will be heard today

Just another war, just another family torn (My voice will be heard today)
Just another year, the countdown begins to destroy ourselves

I need a Hero to save my life
I need a Hero just in time
Save me just in time
Save me just in time

Who's going to fight for what's right?
Who's going to help us survive?
We're in the fight of our lives
(And we're not ready to die)

Who's going to fight for the weak?
Who's going to make them believe?
I've got a Hero living in me!

Who's going to fight for what's right?
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight, I will be ready to die

A Hero's not afraid to give His life
A Hero's going to save me just in time..

Who's going to fight for what's right?
Who's going to help us survive?

I need a Hero

A Hero's going to save me just in time...


I find this song very true right now...
"I've got to fight today to live another day Speaking my mind today (My voice will be heard today) I've got to make a stand, but I am just a man (I'm not superhuman) My voice will be heard today"

This is a situation i find I am facing a lot. That I am in a place that I need to make a stand but it is so sticking tough! I have to fight for whats right and its only through my HERO that I can do this!

Holding on to Him,