Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well another here has come and gone, and we survived the year 2000 with flying colors. What do I say about this past year...It started off on a hot note...oh Guyana, I miss that hot weather, though it was great spending NYE with people I truely love. So I don't usually make resolutions for the new year, but this year I want to. Not sure why. I need some goals, some purpose to my life. So here we go.

1) Spend at least 5 minutes a day on my treadmill. I know that this does not sound like much, but I have a stupid muscle in my leg that gets really tight when I walk, so I need to start somewhere.

2)To find a new hobby by Febuary that I can participate in during the evenings.

3) To get back into writing. I use to journal, write songs/music/poetry and all that sort of thing. It is a great release.

4) To do and complete a minimum of 1 photo shoot a month

5) To actually follow my reservations.

Please hold me to these....

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