Friday, July 22, 2011

day 33

A picture of your favorite Disney Movie

I think the reason I love Lion King so much is the music! THe song circle of life is incredible in so many languages...listen to it in french. so beautiful .

Day 32

A picture of your favorite bird....
(what kind of topic is this one?!)

I love golden finshes. The coloring illustrates how awesome of a God we have!

Day 31

A Picture of someone who is always there for you...

My husband is my best friend! i am so blessed to have him in my life. I know that I have but him through hell and back some days but he loves me uncondionalably.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 30

Someone you miss:

I miss Cherie! I always miss Cherie. I can't wait till september to see my beatiful sister and my 2 cute nephews!

Day 30

A picture of someone you miss...

Day 29

A picture that can always make you smile...

Brooke can always make me smile! For her only being not even 2, she has solved some of my big problems! I love you baby girl!

Day 28

A picture of something you are afraid of...

I hate change...I am afraid of it. I dont like life being unstable. I suppose that is because my life has been so unstable growing up.

Day 27

A picture of yourself and a family member.

This is Quinton and me back in I think 1995.

Day 26

A picture of something that means a lot to you

This is a tough choice. I have posted pictures of so many things already...

Let me explain! Facebook is a world connecting tool. I have had the privelledge of getting to know one of my awesome second cousins (deb!), my half brother (Peter). I have been able to keep up to date with 100's of people. Yes there are downsides to it. But I think it is a good thing!

Day 25

YEAH 1/4 of the way through....

A picture of you last year and have you changed since than...
This Year....

Last year:

How have I changed in a year...
I'd like to think I have matured. One of the biggest changes I see is my friends circle. Most of my friends are not the same as a year ago and as difficult as that is somedays...I am very Thankful!

Day 24

Something you crave a lot...

Any kind of chips (except salt and vinigar, ketchup or dill pickle!)

Day 23

A picture of you and the top five things you like about guys!

1) A guy must have strong faith. That is probably the sexiest thing possible. When a man genuinely loves God, it makes things so much better!

2) Boldness: A guy who isnt afraid to speak their mind, For them to be bold and stand up for whats right is incredible. I love when my husband backs me!

Ok now the shallow things

3) a guy that loves music...I know that mine does not but thats all good.

4) A guys arms...sexiest "PG" part on their bodies!

5) A guy names Cory Matthew Worms!

day 21

A picture of something you wish you were better at.

I wish I could find a picture of everything in the world..I put up a picture to represent knitting...but sewing, knitting crotcheting, things like that!

Day 2-0

A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

I would LOVE to go to Africa one day. Spend a week on a resort and a week doing missions. I would love to see the rich of Africa, but also the poor slums. One day!

Day 19

A picture of you when you were little

Gotta love the Mohawk! I was rocking it out here!

Day 18

A picture of your favorite drink...

Pepsi. All the way. Pepsi.

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life.

Ok so On this computer, I could not find a picture of Traci. Traci was my youth leader for numerous years. She laughed with me, she cried with me, she told me to behave and she cared deeply for me. Her and her husband Jason were crutical to me during my high school years. I dont think i would have made it with out them. I wish we were still closer, but sadly life changes.

Day 16

Another picture of yourself...

I hate pictures of yourself...grrr
This is me holding Molly at camp like 3 years ago...

Day 15

A picture of something you want to do before you die...

2 words...Sky Diving...

Day 14

A picture of your favorite Animal!

I love me some horse! This was at Roseau River Bible camp, so not my favorite horse in the world, but he was a good one...Don't remember this ones name. My favorite horse was Sunny at Winkler Bible Camp!

Day 13

A picture of your favorite band or artist...(I couldnt pick just one)

Laura Story: her music is so inspirational. I love her.

Oh Skillet, how I love you. I have all your CD's

Love Zac Brown band...I love all music

Day 12

A picture of something you love...

Ok so this is not my cat but I love MY cat. No other cats. Just Snickers! I rescued him from the harsh winter in November and he is the best cat ever...he loves to just sit still and cuddle!

Day 11

A picture of something you hate...

This was a simple choice!GROSS STUPID LITTLE ANIMALS!!!

Day 10

A picture of the person you do the craziest things with...

Man I wish I could find the picture of me Jess and Luke up on top of the water tower in Manitou but Jess and I have had a few wild adventures... Ending up in Morden not knowing how we got there...or where her clothes are....or Good times! I wish we hung out more...

Day 9

A picture of your favorite color...

I love my lime green and hot pink! For 2 very different colors, they go together very well!

Day 8

A picture that makes you laugh

This picture makes me laugh! I hardly ever get funny pictures of Cory...This was July 1 2 years ago! I love you cory!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

day 7

a picture of your most treasured item...
K taking a picture of my scrapbooks doesnt show much but i THINK that is what it would be...a close second would be...

Day 6

A picture of your best friend...that would be my husband...most days

Day 5

a picture of what you want to be when you grow up.

An Occupational Therapist. I think this would be an incredible job!