Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dear Blog,

Dear blog,
I am sorry for neglecting you and forgetting about you. I will try to be a better blogger.



Monday, August 8, 2011


This last week, has been one, that in reality I would rather forget. I found out news I didnt want to know, I am super short staffed at work, I have been feeling sick, money's tight, and the list could continue... but today, as I was suffering the blogs I stalk...I mean follow, one wrote about harmony, and how things work together, and one wrote about focusing on the positive instead of the negative...I was also looking through a friend of mine's photo's on facebook, and she has so many meaningful relationships in her life and I wondered why...its because she is so postive...positve people attract people... So today, I want to be positive...

1) I am thankful for God. The fact we are saved is incredible. The fact that God cares enought about me to slap me upside the head to make me realize this somedays is incredible as well

2) I am thankful for my husband. Our 2 year annivarsary is coming up in 2 weeks and though it has not always been daisy and gumdrops, it is worth every struggle.

3) I am thankful for the ability to take a vacation this year and to meet one of my second cousins, who is an incredible women of God.

4) I am thankful for my cat...yes me...thankful for my cat....weird I know. My cat loves me unconditionally and MAN, I need that some days!

5) I am thankful for my job. Yes I am so short staffed at one house, but the other house runs it self so well... and the staff I have are incredible. I couldnt ask for a better team.

6) I am thankful for air conditioning...enough said.

7) As hard as this one is to say. I am thankful for God's timing.

8) I am thankful for pure acapella

9) i am thankful for the few good friends i have