Thursday, May 14, 2009

SBC Year End

So I am done my second year of Bible college and ohhh what a ride. I came into this school year (and yes I know what your about to read sounds really bad ) liking at least 3 guys. This started my school year with me being very hurt and very confussed. By October or so things in that direction simmered down back to liking one guy and I was able to concentrate a little more on my Studies. Christmas came and my world was thrown upside down (In a great way). As many of you know, during Christmas holidays I began dating what I now know is the man of my dreams and the one God set apart and was preparing me for. Christmas holidays rocked.

First semester highlight: Becoming the one and only lighting tech at SBC. I first learnt how to run lighting for IMPACT. Impact I was involved in nearly everything and had such a blast. the high light though was running light. Just before Christmas holidays JJ and I were out on the road with a musical running lights. IN March, I got to run lights for SPLAT!! I love our tech team (typically me ben and jj). Than for Grad Banquet I also got to run lights. SO much fun.

So I head back in school and for a week in January head up north. spend 2 nights i thompson and 5 in the community of Grand Rapids. If I had my way, I would Have not went. the night before, Ithought of every possible way I could to get out of it but no way seemed to work out. SO I went. ok I admit BEST TIME OF SBC YEAR 2!!!! I lovethe community and pray that I would be able to go back there sometime soon.

So the end of the year has came, well it came a few weeks ago. This year was a lot easier to end. I didnt even cry. Saying good bye to dorm people was easier, probably something to do with I was never there except for allthe second years found it way easier. Maybe I was not sad because I am overjoyed NEVER TO HAVE TO LIVE IN DORM AGAIN!!! Its a great place for your first year, don't get me wrong, but for me, two years in dorm was way too much. So HEre are some pics from the Grad banquet...and yes I am in a dress, and Cory is dressed up too...Look now, you might not see it again till the wedding...

This couple kind of have became parents to everyone in dorm. The way the open up their lives, their house and their fridge to all of us is awesome. I love spending Time with them.

James and Darlene have been a huge blessing to me. I didnt really know them during last school year much. LIke I knew who they were and which kids belonged to them but it was not until I started to coach their 2 sons in badminton that I really got to know them. After school was done I decided to stay in Stienbach a few extra days so I could see my badminton kids do their thing in the tournament and I stayed with James and Darlene and got ot know them. SInce then I have been to their house quite a few times for a few nights here and there and absolutly love every time I do that. They have such genuine Christ love for me and welcome me so much. Love you guys~!

Me and Ashley. We see very eye to eye on some topics that SBC doesnt see eye to eye about us on. Always was great to stay up late and vent and just talk with Ashley. So glad she is going to be out for my wedding! Love her to pieces

Yes we are dressed up and no I do not share...that hottie is all MINE!

My care group for the year. This was an interesting Challenge I faced this year actually...I really hated the fact that caregroups were manditory. I felt this way because I had college and careers the same night and would have to rush back to be back at dorm for 10 just so I could go to care groups. THe school felt that care groups should be manditory even if I was involved in another (more rewarding) ministry. But C'est La vie!

Anyways there is my post of the week lol....

Holding on to him

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