Saturday, October 4, 2008

Picture update!

Well here are some random college pictures. I don't usually have acess to the actual blogger site so I can't put up pictures but this weekend i do!

the first picture is me and my roomate Clairssa taken at 2am tuesday morning. Crystal and I had went out with the guys (late) on tuesday night and came back to dorm to be met by Elviene and Dalen (dean of women and the dean of men) at the bottom of the stairs...long story made short, our basement smelt like hot plastic so we had to call the fire department and had 2 trucks, ambulance and police all show up...good times!

The next picture is one of me and the person I love/hate the most. Diana and me have a very intense love/hate relationship. (People who don't know we are joking around with eachother think we actually hate each immesely). She is a great person however and I have loved getting to know her more this year.

The scenic picture is one I took at Steve Larsons place just north of steinbach! The area we were doing a scavenger hunt in was so beautiful and I would have much rather just have taken pictures instead. THe following picture is one of a cray fish shell that Diana found and we gave it to Audrey for her birthday lol. It was an incredible shell.

Andrew, the final picture. At our all college retreat, a challenge was to put an alkaseltzer in your mouth and take a drink of pepsi and keep it in your mouth as long as possible...

Anyways college is going good and i am hoping to get more pics up by the end of the weekend.

Holding on to Him,

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